Tuesday, 22 September 2009

bute cross

whilst most are already racing cross, here in scottishland we still have to wait. some are still training and some are just straining at the leash. last weekend the juniors had their first shot at racing on a neighbouring island. Bute is only 54 miles away as the tub flies but it is two ferry journeys (amounting to 3 hours on the sea away and 3 hours of driving!) we had thought of riding. unfortunately time was against us although my 10year old son has asked to do so next year. this will take an extra day each end and camping enroute. hopefully we will next year . we only took our cross bikes and Bute put on a terrific festival in a typical low key island way where eating scones and jam were as important as racing the serpentine hill.

we all joined in setting up the course. course building by democracy is an interesting experience! and was eventually achieved so that the kids could start on time. it was testing and fast at the same time. lots of kids entered with a big contingent from the johnstone jets gunning for the top places - sorry that the wee guy from islay stole your thunder!

the afternoon soon arrived with the invitation to race the two up. how could i refuse? i was trying to get a dads cross race but nobody would have it...damn! so i rode the two up - swapped my ss for a fixed cog (thank you phil wood) for kiss off hubs and donned my team shirt and off we went my steed was as unsuitable for a team trial as was my partner tom hunter from falkirk - who shall we say is generous in proportions and more suited to touring than anything else! the end note was that we were not last - by some measure!

in a couple of weeks the season starts for real - bring it on!

Wednesday, 9 September 2009

have you seen



just incase

...you did not know ;-0


scottish CX

scottish CX is up and running. the latest movie is on there to show how to make training barriers - i'm off out to our 'not so local' building suppliers!


davie teaches

our mate davie the snake from mull has a cracking youtube video out teaching dag otto lauritzen some rad mounting and dismounting - watch how he avoids the canines with a nifty mount!
